Installation made of 56 photographs, mixed techniques, 2015
Hermanas statement.
I learned photography in a very traditional way, developing film and enlarging images in a dark room using a small red bulb. My first images showed plenty of the analog processing issues: either poorly fixed or deficient washed. Over time, this this practice turned into lab expertise and finally, after 20 years of career, I’m bored of such perfection. My photographs started to overwhelm me, in a peculiar sense, the element of surprise ceased to appear.
The installation piece titled “Hermanas” (Sisters) shows a total of 57 photographs made in the last years. This time, however, I’m interested to display my own production process. There are certain times when I prepare my own emulsions like albumen, make use of old cameras, print in expired or exposed paper, do chemical toning or just stain my images with tea. Sometimes I work with digital photomontage and always look obsessively for a vintage aesthetic.
During this time in my small darkroom, so many questions arise, like what would happen if the images evidence my errors and photographic misspells?, must we always be perfect? My process is under a continuos experimentation and re-construction. At the end, I’m not interested in the ideal solution, just expect not ceasing to surprise myself.